
  • ryan4021 started the topic in the forum 4 years, 9 months ago

    Hello Coach,

    I had a few questions in terms of conditioning and speed development drills

    Currently I train for myself to better myself in football so I built up a training platform based on the Tier system after buying your book on Amazon. I love it and it has changed my perspective on Athlete strength training and lifting for movements in…[Read more]

  • ryan4021 started the topic in the forum 4 years, 9 months ago

    Hello Coach,

    I was looking at your workout cards and saw a Front 7 card and was wondering what kind of progression you follow typically for running backs in the weight room specifically Winter progression, is it similar to OTB workout card on your website?

    Also how is the progression on emphasis on lateral/linear speed development in the winter…[Read more]